Relation of Handwriting with your Psychology

Areej Danish
5 min readJan 26, 2021


It is a very common belief that our handwriting is a mirror of our hidden personality. There is a functional wiring between our brain and our hand that is expressed in terms of our handwriting.

Many people can analyze our personality traits by studying of our handwriting. This is called graphology. However, the concept of relation of our handwriting with our mind remains pseudoscientific (whether it helps determine psychological or even physical attributes.) According to a research it is quoted that a person’s handwriting can vary depending upon one’s mental condition. (This study gives accurate details of your handwriting and also presents different tendencies and cognitive functions with some handwriting samples.)

According to National Pen Company, 5000 different personality traits can be identified with the help of graphology.

By changing writing patterns, we simultaneously reconfigure the neuropath ways in the brain that record our self-image. (This book supports the thesis and offers tips to change your handwriting to make various changes in your personality.)

Graphology is a very vast branch of study that also plays role in medical fields to detect diseases in patients. Writing strokes, pressure, slanting, degree of alignment of your words and sentences tells a lot more about your personality and psychology.

How does Handwriting reveal your Personality Traits?

Here are some basic techniques that provide information about handwriting analysis;

1. Size of Letters:

The size of letters can reveal a lot about your personality.

· Small Letters: small letters in your writing show that you are shy, withdrawn, studious, concentrated, and diligent, focused and introvert.

· Average Letters: average sized letters mean you are well-adjusted and adaptable.

· Large Letters: large letters in your writing reflect that you are people oriented, outspoken, and love attention and limelight.

2. Spacing:

Yes, the spacing between your words also tells some of your traits.

· Narrow Spacing: people who include narrow spacing in their handwriting can’t stand to be alone. They tend to crowd people and tend to be intrusive.

· Wide Spacing: people who leave wide spacing enjoy freedom and don’t like to be overwhelmed and crowded.

3. Pen Pressure:

The pressure with which you hold your pen discloses your reaction to situations and your seriousness with your commitment.

· Heavy Pressure: writing with heavy pressure shows you are committed and serious, uptight and react quickly to criticism. Heavy pressure also suggests tension and anger.

· Moderately Heavy Pressure: writing with moderately heavy pressure is a sign of commitment.

· Soft Pressure: writing with a soft pressure shows that you are empathetic, sensitive and might lack vitality.

4. Crosses of “T’s”:

In graphology, T is known as the letter of will, leadership qualities and intelligence.

· Long Crosses of “T’s”: if you long cross your “T’s”, it means you are determined, enthusiastic, stubborn and have hard times letting things go.

· Middle Crosses of “T’s”: if you cross your “T’s” in the middle, this shows that you are confident and feel comfortable in your own skin.

· Short Crosses of “T’s”: short crosses of “T’s” represent you are lazy and lack determination.

· Very High Crosses of “T’s”: very high crosses of “T’s” show that you are ambitious, optimistic and have a good self-esteem.

5. Dotting your “i’s”:

The way you dot your “i’s” measures attention, precision, memory and concentration.

· Right Over the “i”: a dot right over the “i” indicates that you are detail-oriented, organized and emphatic in what you say or do.

· Closely Oriented to “i”: a dot closely oriented to “i” indicates that you have organized and detail-oriented mind.

· Left Over the “i”: if you place the dot left over the “i”, thus indicates you are a procrastinator.

· High over the “i”: a dot high over the “i” indicates you have a great imagination.

· Circling Over the “i”: circling the dot over the “i” means you are child-like and visionary.

· Absence of the Dot: if the dot over the “i” is missing, this shows distraction, oversight, lack of concentration and laziness.

· Fallen Dot: fallen dot over the “i” indicates fatigue, physical weakness, pessimism and depression.

· Slashing your “i’s”: people who slash their “i’s” are self-critical and impatient. Such people do not learn from their mistakes.

6. Open / Close “O’s”:

The way you write letter “o” shows your communication with others.

· Open “O’s”: open “o’s” in a person’s writing can mean that the person is super-talkative, social, extrovert and is able to express feelings. Such people can possess a little secrecy.

· Closed “O’s”: when a person writes closed “o’s”, this shows that they are tight-lipped. They like privacy and limited to share personal feelings. Such people are introvert.

7. Cursive “S’s”:

Curve of letter “s” is associated with your spiritual nature.

· Round Lowercase Cursive “s”: such people are people pleaser and tend to avoid confrontation.

· Pointy Lowercase Cursive “s”: these people enjoy learning new things and are inquisitive and ambitious. The higher and pointer the peaks, the more ambitious you are.

· Wide towards the Bottom: people who write “s” wide towards the bottom might not be following their heart at most points in their lives.

8. Shape of Letters:

The way you shape your letters reveals much about you too.

· Pointed Letters: people who have pointed handwriting indicate they are aggressive, intense, very intelligent and curious.

· Rounded Letters: people who write with rounded letters show that they are creative and artistic.

9. Legibility:

The legibility of your writing determines 2 things;

· Illegible: if your writing is illegible, it means that you are very private and hard to read and understand.

· Legible: if you have a legible handwriting, this shows you are confident, comfortable in your own skin and don’t need to pretend something you are not.

10. Lie Detector:

Making someone write is an easy and convenient way to detect if someone is lying. Writing that is bunched out, moved out of alignment and different from the normal handwriting detects a lie.


To put it all into a nutshell, there is a very little you cannot tell from a person’s handwriting. From physiological conditions like high blood pressure and schizophrenia to personality traits like aggression and shyness, everything can be observed and known from your handwriting.

